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Dionex IonPac CS16 陽離子交換柱 079805



Dionex IonPac CS16 陽離子交換柱 079805

Dionex IonPac CS16 陽離子交換柱 079805

利用 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? CS16 毛細管分析和保護柱測定多種樣品基質(zhì)中濃度差異極大的鄰近陽離子(如鈉離子和銨離子)。 樣品基質(zhì)包括環(huán)境水樣;使用銨鹽、嗎啉或乙醇胺處理的發(fā)電廠水;化學添加劑;化學加工溶液;洗滌液;電鍍槽和工業(yè)溶劑。 Dionex IonPac CS16 柱專為用于 Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? CS15 柱多數(shù)應用而設計,因其較大的線性工作范圍也推薦用于此類應用。





  • 專為測定多種樣品基質(zhì)中差異極大的鄰近洗脫陽離子(如鈉離子和銨離子)濃度比例而優(yōu)化。

  • 在存在鋰、鈉、銨、鉀、鎂和鈣的情況下,測定復雜樣品基質(zhì)中的短鏈烷基胺和烷醇胺。

  • 使用等度酸淋洗液,在少于 20 鐘內(nèi)分離比例zui高達 10,000:1 的鈉離子和銨離子。

  • 使用梯度甲磺酸 (MSA) 淋洗液分離比例zui高達 20,000:1 的鈉離子和銨離子。

  • 高容量色譜柱可改善樣品裝載量和峰分辨率

  • 在 40?C 的*操作溫度下達到zui大峰效率

  • 分析低 pH 值樣品的*羧酸鹽官能團色譜柱

  • 兼容有機溶劑(不包括乙醇),以增強分析物溶解度,優(yōu)化柱選擇性,便于有效的柱清潔


由于使用相同的填料,Dionex IonPac CS16 毛細管柱提供的性能與標準孔和微孔 Dionex IonPac CS16 柱相同。 由于毛細管系統(tǒng)運行的淋洗液流速僅為標準孔系統(tǒng)的 1%,需要的淋洗液更少,產(chǎn)生的廢液也更少,從而降低了運行成本。


  • 5x250mm、2x250mm 分析柱

  • 5x50mm、2x50mm 保護柱

  • 0.5x250mm 毛細管柱、0.5x50mm 毛細管保護柱

  • 更長的 250 mm 柱,實現(xiàn)更復雜樣品基質(zhì)的更高分辨率分離

  • 更小柱內(nèi)徑提供更高質(zhì)量靈敏度,節(jié)省淋洗液和試劑,從而降低運行成本。


IonPac CS16是高容量,羧酸功能基的陽離子交換分離柱,用于等度分離濃度比懸殊的Na+和Li+(濃度比可達10,000:1);以及分析復雜基質(zhì)中的短碳鏈烷基胺和烷醇胺。IonPac CS16基本適用于IonPac CS15的分析范圍。IonPac CS16柱在40℃時分離效果。有機溶劑可匹配方便清洗柱子。


Dionex IonPac CS16 陽離子交換柱 079805


Dionex IonPac CS16 陽離子交換柱

IonPac CS16 Capillary Column (0.5 x 250 mm)075401
IonPac CS16 Analytical Column (5 x 250 mm)079805
IonPac CS16 Analytical Column (3 x 250 mm)059596
IonPac CG16 Capillary Guard Column (0.5 x 50 mm)075402
IonPac CG16 Guard Column (5 x 50 mm)057574
IonPac CG16 Guard Column (3 x 50 mm)079931



High-Capacity Carboxylate-Functionalized Column for Disparate Sodium and Ammonium Concentrations

The IonPac? CS16 is the column of choice for disparate concentration ratios of adjacent eluting cations such as sodium and ammonium in diverse sample matrices. The high-capacity, high-resolution CS16 column can be used for short-chained amines, including alkylamines and alkanolamines, in diverse sample matrices. The CS16 column is now available in capillary format (0.5 × 250 mm) offering reduced eluent consumption and reduced operating costs.

  • For disparate concentration ratios of close-eluting cations such as ammonium and sodium in complex matrices

  • Ideal for trace-level ammonium in high concentrations of sodium

  • Ideal for trace-level sodium in high concentrations of ammonium or amines

  • Best carboxylate-functionalized column to tolerate samples with low pH

  • Isocratic acid eluent and elevated temperature (40 °C) required for sodium: ammonium ratios to 1:10,000

  • Gradient MSA eluent and elevated temperature required for sodium: ammonium ratios up to 1:20,000

  • Useful for short-chained amines, including alkylamines and alkanolamines

  • Compatible with organic solvents excluding alcohols

Using an isocratic acid eluent and elevated temperature (40 °C) coupled with suppressed conductivity, ratios up to 10,000:1 of sodium and ammonium can be resolved in less than 20 min. Sample matrices include environmental waters; power plant waters treated with ammonium, morpholine or ethanolamine; chemical additives; chemical process solutions; scrubber solutions; plating baths; and industrial solvents. The CS16 is designed for use in most IonPac CS15 applications.

The CS16 column has the highest capacity among Dionex carboxylate-based cation columns, resulting in improved loadability and resolution. Use the CS16 with the Eluent Generator for simplified, consistent methanesulfonic acid eluent preparation. Use the Cation Self-Regenerating Suppressor (CSRS? 300) with standard or microbore CS16 columns or the Cation Capillary Electrolytic Suppressor (CCES? 300) with the CS16 capillary column.

IonPac CS16 Cation-Exchange Column  Specifications
DimensionsIonPac? CS16 Capillary Column:
0.5 × 250 mm
IonPac CG16 Capillary Guard Column:
0.5 × 50 mm
IonPac CS16 Analytical Column:
5 × 250 mm and 3 × 250 mm
IonPac CG16 Guard Column:
5 × 50 mm and 3 × 50 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure4000 psi (Standard and Microbore), 5000 psi (Capillary)
Mobile Phase CompatibilityAcidic eluents; 0–100% HPLC acetonitrile. Alcohols should be avoided.
Substrate CharacteristicsBead Diameter: 5 μm
Cross-Linking (%DVB): 55%
Functional Group CharacteristicsIon-Exchange Groups: Grafted carboxylic acid
Surface Characteristics: Medium hydrophobic
Capacity84 μeq (0.5 × 250 mm capillary column)
17 μeq (0.5 × 50 mm capillary guard column)
8400 μeq (5 × 250 mm analytical column)
1700 μeq (5 × 50 mm guard column)
3000 μeq (3 × 250 mm analytical column)
600 μeq (3 × 50 mm guard column)
Column ConstructionPEEK? with 10-32 threaded ferrule-style end fittings.
All components are nonmetallic.


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